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Boeing Banks Billions

The Boeing Company is a giant aerospace corporation, well-versed in the art of making money at any cost. 


Selling Overpriced Aircraft: Boeing's primary strategy is to design and manufacture commercial and military airplanes at exorbitant prices. They convince airlines, the government, and leasing companies that their aircraft are the epitome of engineering excellence, conveniently ignoring any flaws or safety concerns. After all, who cares about safety when there are profits to be made? Rather than taking on full responsibility for manufacturing and building their planes, in an effort to reduce costs and increase profits Boeing adopted a strategy to outsource many aspects of the process to subcontractors, potentially leading to all the safety concerns we are suffering today.


Defense Contracts: Boeing dives headfirst into the world of defense, space, and security, where the big bucks reside. They cozy up to governments and military organizations, offering an impressive array of military aircraft, missiles, and satellites. It's an industry known to be a playground for shady backroom deals, where taxpayer money flows freely, all under the guise of national security.


Exploiting Maintenance and Support: Once Boeing has sold its expensive flying machines, it doesn't stop there. They offer maintenance, repair, and overhaul services at exorbitant rates, capitalizing on airlines' dependence on their proprietary technology. After all, when their faulty designs and systems fail, who better to turn to than the very company responsible?


Squeezing Vendors: Boeing never misses an opportunity to squeeze even more money out of the market.  Boeing must know that once they've got airlines locked into their ecosystem, they can bleed them dry with overpriced components and equipment. Who needs fair pricing when you have a captive market? There are few competitors to turn to.


Promoting "Innovation" and "Advancements": Boeing touts their "innovative" solutions and technological advancements. They invest in research and development and marketing. They dazzle customers and the public with flashy presentations and promises of a brighter future, all while conveniently brushing under the rug any missteps, failures, or corners cut along the way.

The company has made significant contributions to the aerospace industry and employs a large workforce. However, it is crucial to remain critical and hold corporations seeking profit accountable for their actions, particularly in matters of safety, transparency, and fair business practices.

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This web page is based on publicly available information and is not associated with The Boeing Company. Rather, it is intended to hold Boeing accountable for its actions. This page will be updated as new infor­ma­tion becomes avail­able. Reach out if you believe something is not accurate. (C) 2024 Komoks LLC

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